Saturday, July 3, 2010

Nursery Inspiration

Just wanted to send you all a cool website my friend Emily showed me the other's and they have tons of inspirational nurseries.

A few of my favorite rooms:
I absolutely LOVE the map in this room! Sooooo cool.

The balls hanging over her crib are so cute! I think I want to make some of my own and hang them in Layla's room. :-) Martha Stewart gives instructions on how to make them here.

City skyline? What a cute idea!!
This is my absolute favorite room I think....check out more of the images here. If only I could design like this....


  1. i really enjoyed looking through that website. some people are so creative! i wish i had that special touch, but those pictures were certainly inspirational.

  2. We have a reading corner of the living room in our new rental house, and we're planning on putting a big world map on the wall (and eventually gathering our travel trinkets to that corner as well).
    Good stuff.
