Saturday, January 9, 2010

"A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend."

I love my little girl. She is so incredibly precious. When she smiles, the whole world melts.

Watching her wake up from a nap is so endearing. Her little arms stretching toward the sky, her face scrunching up, her little body wriggling. Usually it seems as though she cannot decide if she should enter back into the world or continue in dreamland. Her little mouth munching like a chipmunk as she sleeps... :-)

What a dear, beautiful baby.

I cannot wait to hear her laugh. It is amazing to watch her grow and change with every day. What a gift!


  1. She IS precious. I can't wait to hear her laugh either - at least via facebook or blog! :D But more so I can't wait for her to develop personality (no offense) so you guys can be best friends!
