Saturday, February 13, 2010

Beach Day!

Oh sometimes I simply love living in Santa Barbara. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and today we went to the beach to have a pre-Valentine's Day celebration. We were out and about today, and I loved it. Layla was quite the trooper. Here are a couple pictures from the day... :-)

Layla asleep in her HOTsling.
Under the pier with daddy. (Look at her hair?!?!)
We found this snazzy door next to the Channel Islands Surfboard shop. And so we had to take a picture. Simply had to.

Oh such fun today. When you live in a tourist destination, sometimes it's nice to take the day off normal living and join in with the rest of the world.

And now for some feedback: If you were a tourist in your town, what would you do? What is your city known for?

1 comment:

  1. Adelaide is famous for wine and the arts.

    We're seeing some shows/plays/acts during 'The Fringe' these next couple weeks- our biggest annual arts festival.

    As for wine, well, people can spend hundreds in a day, winetasting from cellar to cellar in a limo and eating far too much cheese. Not really our thing at the moment!
