Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vaccines and these go hand in hand?

Ok I'm taking a break from the pregnancy chronicles and want to write about what is going on these days...

Our baby got her first shot yesterday! It was the one for meningitis. We've decided to stagger her shots instead of following the federal government's immunization schedule. After our experience with her getting sick and then the recovery that she was able to have thanks to medicine, I completely understand the argument for vaccinations. It is horrible to watch your child suffer and to watch her health continue to decline and be unable to do anything about it. How wonderful that we have vaccines that can guard against some of the most common and deadly childhood diseases.

On the other hand, I've heard too many stories of kids getting their shots and then getting high fevers and developing autism-type symptoms. And I know that supposedly no scientific research has found a connection between vaccines and autism, but I still remain slightly wary. Anyone who has worked with autistic children knows just how debilitating and life-long this condition is. If there is a correlation between vaccines and autistic symptoms, I want to be extremely careful.

Of notable interest on this topic is that the British scientific journal The Lancet that originally published Dr. Wakefield's study has retracted it. Dr. Wakefield's study can be read here. Here are two very different news reportings on the topic: Those who think there is a link between vaccines and autism and those who vehemently deny any link whatsoever .

Any thoughts/comments/personal stories?

1 comment:

  1. My sister is very paranoid about vaccines given to children immediately after birth and following... my nephew was diagnosed with Autism after two+ years of symtoms and behavior stuff.

    She goes to a pretty esteemed doctor: Dr Sears (if you google him and Autism you'll get some results, add vaccines and you'll get stuff that he has written/talked about)

    She was telling me about some shots they give like for herpes... by default, whether the parents have herpes or not... some scary stuff.

    We haven't had kids yet, but I'm really curious to do the research when we get to that point to see how I feel, some of the stuff sounds pretty sketchy.

    Wish I had more knowledge to share, but we haven't crossed that bridget yet, just watched my nephew's experience and hear the staggering numbers of how many children do have/get Autism.
