Monday, February 8, 2010

Traveling [while Pregnant]

We traveled while I was pregnant! It was great fun, and now that the baby is here I am glad we did it. Because traveling becomes a little more of a process with the baby out than in.

Early in my pregnancy we went to Death Valley. I had always wanted to go, and you can only really go during the spring or the winter, so we went at the end of March and it was incredible. The rock formations were so impressive and the desert was in bloom with lovely wildflowers.

Of course I was more easily tired than normal and I always had to have oatmeal handy (strange cravings), but it was super fun. And quite an adventure, since the second night a sandstorm blew through with winds up to 70 mph. Needless to say, we spent the night in the car since not even massive rocks could hold our tent down.

We also went to Texas for a friend’s wedding (walking in high heels while pregnant is exceptionally hard!), Yosemite with a bunch of photographer friends, and San Francisco for a prayer tour. Great times seeing the United States of America.

(the photo above was taken by Montana Dennis)

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